easyExon - A Java-based GUI tool for processing and visualization of Affymetrix exon array data
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The possibility to study alternative RNA splicing on a genomic scale has appeared recently by using the Affymetrix exon array. The application of this new technology is hindered by the lack of free and user-friendly software. We present easyExon, a Java-based freeware, to process, filtrate and visualize exon array data. EasyExon also integrate with related programs to make the analysis more comprehensive. The simplicity, flexibility and brevity of easyExon make it a valuable genomics tool.

Alt-Splicing Analysis
Splicing Index
Fold Change
Gene Annotation
Statistical Filtration

Biological Filtration
GO term or ID
HGNC Gene Symbol
or other representative accessions

System Requirements
Java SE 6 is required for every platform.

Launch Java Web Start
   click to get started
Java Web Start automatically downloads the latest version and launches it from local disk without installation.

Download JAR File
   click to download

Chang TY, Li YY, Jen CH, Yang TP, Lin CH, Hsu MT, Wang HW. (2008). easyExon - A Java-based GUI tool for processing and visualization of Affymetrix exon array data. BMC Bioinformatics 9:432. [PubMed Abstract]

Services & Applications
ArrayFusion 1.5.7
SET 1.0.3
easyExon 1.0.4
MFSelector 1.0.0