MFSelector - Monotonic Feature Selector
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User's Manuals
  • MFSelector Tutorial 
  • MFSelector Tutorial (for multicore-based MFSelector)

  • Package download
  • MFSelector package in R (Windows / Linux
  • MFSelector source code (all platforms
    Parallel processing of MFSelector on machines with multiple cores or CPUs:
  • MFSelector package in R (only for Linux
  • MFSelector source code (only for Linux

  • Installaion
    For Windows system:
    Run R program, type the command ">utils:::menuInstallLocal()", and choose the MFSelector package.

    For Linux system:
    Step 1. (Optional: if user uses multicore-based MFSelector) Run R program, type the command ">install.packages(pkgs="multicore")"
    Step 2. Run R program, type the command ">install.packages(pkgs="MFSelector.tgz", repos = NULL)"

    Example Datasets
    Example 1: ESC neurogenesis data set (ESCN)
    This data set contains 27 samples from 5 periods of human embryonic development: 3 embryonic stem cells (ESC), 3 embryoid bodies (EB), 6 primitive ectoderm cells (PEL), 6 neural tube-like rosette cells, and 9 post-natal neural stem cells (NSC).
    Reference: GEO accession number GSE9940 and GSE13307.

    Example 2: Embryonic Stem Cell Vasculogenesis data set (ESCV)
    In this data set, there are 13 samples over four periods of human embryonic stem cell differentiation into human mature (vascular) endothelial cells: 3 undifferentiated embryonic stem cell (ESC) samples, 3 mesodermal progenitor cell (MPC) samples, 4 embryoid body (EB) samples and 3 human mature vascular endothelial cell (VEC) samples.
    Reference: GEO accession number GSE19735 and GSE21668
    Example 3: Synthetic data
    These data sets contain 50 samples each spread over five equal sized stages. There is a set with descending trends (denoted 'Des') and a set with ascending trends (denoted 'Asc'). In addition, each data set has 120 genes which are classified into 9 types of monotonic genes (or monotonic-like genes): 'Good (distinct)', 'Good (close)', 'Slightly', 'Outliers (slight)', 'Outliers (severe)', 'Moderately', 'Severely', 'Partially ordered (far)', and 'Partially ordered (close)'. There are 20 genes for each of 'Slightly', 'Moderately', and 'Severely' types and 10 genes for each of 'Good (distinct)', 'Good (close)', 'Outliers (slight)', 'Outliers (severe)', 'Partially ordered (far)', and 'Partially ordered (close)'.
    Additional files:
    Additional file 1_Materials S1
    Additional file 2_Figure S1
    Additional file 3_Figure S2
    Additional file 4_Table S1
    Additional file 5_Table S2
    Additional file 6_Table S3
    Additional file 7_Table S4
    Additional file 8_Figure S3
    Additional file 9_Figure S4
    Additional file 10_Figure S5
    Additional file 11_Figure S6
    Additional file 12_Figure S7
    Additional file 13_Figure S8
    Additional file 14_Figure S9
    Additional file 15_Table S5
    Additional file 16_Table S6
    Additional file 17_Figure S10

    Services & Applications
    ArrayFusion 1.5.7
    SET 1.0.3
    easyExon 1.0.4
    MFSelector 1.0.0